Monday, 15 July 2013

The time hath commeth...finally

Welcome everyone, firstly let me point out that the use of my Ye Olde English will stop with that title. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and see what I am all about. I want to use this blog platform as a way to share what I love, why I love it and how I don't weigh 300kgs (yet)  from baking so much. 

Baking has always been a love of mine and I think the two main people I have to thank for that are my Nan and my Aunty Kerri. I will admit my early years of baking did disgustingly consist of using PACKET MIXES ( you may now collect you jaws off the floor), only because a) it was a hell of a lot easier and b) I couldn't possibly make something so delicious from scratch! Over the years I experimented with many a recipe and definitely had a lot of questionable tasting cakes and other baked goods (sorry to anyone who didn't want to hurt my feelings and told me they were delicious anyway). 

I cannot forget to mention my mother and sister or they would totally kill me. Mum bought me my very first Kitchen Aid a few months ago and cupcake life has not been the same in this household. They are both extremely supportive and my number 1 and 2 'quality control testers' aka lickers of the bowl. I should also make mention about the good looking human that I live with and now have to refer to as my FiancĂ© or as he likes to call me his 'finances', hardy har har Ben. 

So, tag along with me if you dare, I promise to entertain, make you cringe and most importantly make you want a cupcake at least once a day. Holla!!!


  1. Well done for having the get up and go to do what you love.

  2. Very proud and love my job description x
