Wednesday 14 August 2013


So I don't think it's any secret to my friends or family that I love squeezing other people's babies, in a good way. I love their kankles, chubby cheeks, gummy mouths and wrinkly little butts! Sadly I am not making these cupcakes for myself just yet BUT they are for someone who is the same height as me so I've got a good indication of how big I'll get one day and I have accepted the fact that I'll be wider than I am taller. 

Today at work we wished our colleague Daisy off into the scary and unknown world of (DUN DUN DUN) parenthood and honestly how else would we do that than with mini pink cupcakes with little pink feet on top in little pink papers (apologies to my future daughter/gay son) 

Daisy managed to keep her pregnancy a secret for 20 whole weeks before we all accidentally found out - not going there! 
I've had many a conversation with her unborn baby as I've been told they eventually recognize voices from inside the belly and I like watching them move around - so alien like. So I expect in about 2-3 months she'll walk in the office and be all like 'sup KP!'. 

So we sent Daisy on her way with all our mostly useless parenting advice and I yelled at her belly one last time 'WAKE UP', I got nothing. I have already called shot gun on first cuddles when we get a visit to the office and we'll probably make Daisy do a few hours work too ;)

I LOVE BABIES (minus the poosplosions)

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